TecnoVision Digital
media kit
Our Out of Home digital high definition billboards are a high powered
communication tool that interacts with strong visual and engagement factors.
Large- format, full motion LED Video Boards Key, sought after strategic locations (at the US and Mexican border crossings) People view our billboards on an average of 30-45 mins. while waiting to cross the borders into the U.S. (a true captured audience) Very cost-effective, high-impact advertising because of the long exposure to your message 10, 20 or 30 second commercials available to run day and night; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Spots can be uploaded with instant turnaround DIGITAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING BENEFITS MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AND TECNOVISION DIGITAL Tecnovision digital billboards also offer mobile marketing communications as an option to our advertising programs. Utilizing SMS text , QR codes or other mobile media programs, our advertisers can deliver incentives (or promotions) to drive people to your desired retail location. The growth of mobile communications over the past two decades has been nearly unprecedented. |
42% Shop |
“Mobile literally puts your brand into your customer’s pocket and in doing so,
The Mobile Marketer |