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Created in 2007 by William Vasquez to serve the growing needs or print and digital media publishers serving the US Hispanic market. HMR’s mission is to provide exceptional communications between publisher and advertiser, sell all available ad space, and provide advertisers with marketing-based solutions to help achieve their strategic goals.  Working in US Hispanic media since 1992, Will Vasquez has developed a comprehensive database of marketing and media buying professionals all across the country and a network of business associates in key markets including New York, Chicago, Miami Texas and Los Angeles, with corporate headquarters in Goleta, CA.  HMR’s current roster of accounts include The Walt Disney Company (Disney En Familia), Kraft Foods Corp (Comida y Familia), Hy-Cite Corp (Cocina al Maximo con Royal Prestige), and Molina Media Group’s Latino Future.  HMR is a division of Vasquez Media Group LLC.


Full or partial ad sales solutions are available through HMR.  Services Include:

Basic ad sales representation:  travel and all communications between clients and publisher; Reporting, in-person presentations to clients; ad sales analysis.

Invoicing and collections and all account management

Identification of strategic market segments

Sales strategy planning

Readership study executions

Independent, circulation audits (ie. ABC, BPA etc.)

Development of print media kit data

Development of online media kit data


HMR deals mostly with FORTUNE 500 companies, their marketing staffs and their various print and digital ad agencies, on a daily basis.