Portfolio / Gallery
The HMR Hispanic media network is your gateway to connecting your brand to Spanish-speaking Latinos throughout the United States. We offer media for reaching Woman / Moms, Men and the “general” population along the US/Mexico border. Our CRM custom-published print vehicles leverage the strongest corporate names with Walt Disney and Kraft Foods leading the category, and extremely engaging magazines in COCINA AL MAXIMO and LATINO FUTURE, exploring core values of Latino culture and inspiring articles on enhancing everyday life in the United States. We deliver over 1.35 million households, with a audience of over 4 million “brand champions” and “most active consumers” each issue.
Our Border Strategy calls for leveraging the newest technology partner, TECHNOVISION DIGITAL ADVERTISING, with Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) billboards on the borders of the US and Mexico. Between (5) billboards, we have a total audience of over 660,000 viewers EVERY DAY.
Comida y Familia Magazine
Kraft Foods' COMIDA y FAMILIA Magazine (Spanish-language magazine; 540,000 circulation) Launched in the Spring of 2003, with a current circulation of 540,000, COMIDA represents a tremendous value for companies wanting to reach Latino women in the US (mostly families with children). Each issue is Starch Studied to insure both the editorial and advertising is measured for effectiveness with the readership. This is a 100% opt-in subscribership; MRI Doublebase prototyped, and published by Meredith Integrated Marketing/NY. This magazine is ABC Audited. For Subscription Information please call: (800)521-4403
Comida y Familia Page -
Cocina al Maximo Magazine
A wonderful, fresh edition to the US Hispanic print market: Cocina al Maximo magazine enhances and compliments Kraft's magazine, by offering a younger, less acculturated audience of Latino families all across the United States! The magazine is ABC Audit Applied For, and has executed multiple reader-studies, giving our marketing partners ample information about the readership and their buying habits. Published Quarterly with 150,000+ copies per issue; expected to increase to over 225,000 copies per issue in 2010.
|Cocina al Maximo Page -
TechnoVision Digital
Technovision Digital Billboards deliver a captive audience of people who are crossing the US/Mexico border each day to shop or work (#1 and #2 reasons for crossing the border). The San Ysidro/Tijuana border sees an average of 225,000+ people each day cross that border (increasing over 35+ during Holidays), making it the business border crossing in the world!
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