Kraft's Comida y Familia
2010 Media Kit
•For today’s Spanish-speaking consumers seeking food inspiration and advice, comida y familia de Kraft is your partner in a delicious life. Each issue is beautiful and informative with stories that show how easily you can whip up everyday dinners and entertain with simplicity and style—all while using culturally relevant ingredients in ways familiar to you. Our photography is authentic, real and contemporary; our dialogue with our readers enables us to exchange smart food ideas and real life stories. Together, we make life taste better.
•Opportunity to leverage marketing investments with Kraft’s US Hispanic Marketing Program
•A unique and strong partnership with the trusted, good-name of Kraft
•Positioned as the largest circulation, Spanish-language epicurean magazine in the U.S., COMIDA helps U.S. Hispanic woman & mothers with their number one concern - their family’s well-being
•Readers come from a culture where the kitchen and the eating experience are central in passing down traditions and family values
•National Distribution in all 50 states; Direct-Mailed
NOTE: Digital Advertising Programs available.